Hey, everyone!
After a week of polling the majority have decided on an extremely popular Taiwanese movie, Our Times. The movie features popular Taiwanese actors and actresses such as Vivian Sung and Darren Wang. To top it off, its revenue was the 5th highest among all the local Taiwanese produced films. This movie takes the audience on a journey through the character's senior high school life with a plot that gradually unfolds as the characters mature and go down different paths in life. It is an unbelievable journey that you will not want to miss! We’ll have free food from Henry’s Taiwanese Kitchen and GuoC100. Furthermore, first 12 people who share this event page and come to our booth on Red Sqaure to show us the post get a free Meesum drink voucher. Come join us at this delicious and exciting movie night, we look forward to meeting all of you!! *********************************** Location: Smith Hall 102 Time: 6:00 Doors open Price: FREE MOVIE AND FOOD *First 12 people who share this event page and show the post at TOSA booth on Red Square get free Meesum drink tickets!* First come first serve! Remember to come at 6 pm! ************************************************************************* 哈囉 大家好! 一年一度的TOSA MOVIE NIGHT 來囉! 感謝大家熱烈參與投票, 經過上禮拜的投票後, 讓你們等待已久的結果終於出爐囉! 今年 TOSA 決定帶您重新回味一場高中時期青澀的愛情──《我的少女時代》電影中細膩表現出林真心(宋芸樺飾)還有徐太宇 (王大陸飾) 之間的愛情故事,儘管愛情的路上遇到種種困難,每當林真心與徐太宇羞澀地看著對方,再次感受心理悸動的滋味時,一定會讓您體會愛情的酸甜苦辣和感情的曲折。讓我們一起走過時光的隧道,重新談場青澀的戀愛吧! 非常感謝今年贊助商踴躍參與,西雅圖台菜名店老谷台菜和近期即將開幕的果C益佰贊助的台式美食,以及美心贊助的12張免費飲料卷!!讓您一邊享受電影,一邊回味著道地的台灣家鄉味。數量有限,晚來的可能吃不到囉! *特惠活動: 分享此活動頁面並到TOSA在Red Square上的Booth告知TOSA Officers,前12位到booth的即可獲得美心提供的免費飲料券1張!想要獲得免費飲料的朋友們,請帶著你們的貼文來booth找我們就有機會喔~ *********************************** 地點: Smith Hall 102 時間: 6:00 開放入場 6:40 準時放映 9:00 電影結束 日期: 11/18/2016 票價: 免費!!外加免費食物!! *********************************** 「很久很久以後我們才知道 當一個女孩說她再也不理你 不是真的討厭你 而是...... 她很在乎你」 你是否也有遇到過這樣的女孩?11/18星期五晚上六點,我們不見不散。
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